Ielts book 3 writing task 1 line graph pdf

Time yourself and allow just one hour to complete both parts of the test. You need to spend at least 3 or 4 minutes analysing the task and planning where to put the information, grouping the information is crucial. When you explain the overall trend add the main feature and explain it. Jun 22, 2016 the data from the line graph illustrates the carbon dioxide emissions of an average individual per metric tonnes in four european countries every decade from 19672007. The pie charts compare quantities of books of various categories sold to. In the introduction part of the essay, you can paraphrase the question asked or the topic of the essay. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugars and sweets, and carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009. Oct 30, 2017 ielts academic writing task 1 line graph. This task tests your ability to identify the main features, to compare the data or to describe the trends. Ebook crack the ielts exam pdf ielts practice online band 9. The bar graph above shows average earnings in the republic of ireland in 5 different years, with projections for the future.

If you are preparing for the academic ielts or planning to take the test soon, practise those samples and submit a worth sharing answer in the comment section. Ielts line graph and model answer, academic writing task 1. Ielts online practice test for academic writing task 1. Task 2 contributes twice as much as task 1 to the writing score. Sample candidate writing scripts and examiner comments ielts. I request you to provide one more example on line graphs which has 35 lines so that it would be better to learn and write in the exam. Usually the xaxis shows the time period and the yaxis shows what is being measured. To get a good band score you must show the examiner a range of different words to show upward and downward trends as well as key features. You will see the answer structure, tips, vocabulary and band 9 answer example. Line graphs are very common in ielts academic task 1 writing.

It uses line segments to connect data points and shows changes in data. Writing writing task 1 you should spend about 20 minutes on this task. In the ielts writing task 1, you are asked to write a summary of 150 words in response to the graph, table, chart given or a letter in response to the situation given. The graph shows the number of books read by men and women at burnaby public. Maps finally, for general training ielts students, youll be able to go through 3 different types of writing task 1 general training letters. The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries. Jul 16, 2014 full tutorial on how to describe a line graph for ielts academic task 1. The assessment of task 2 carries more weight in marking than task 1. For your summary paragraph, look at the big picture what changes happened to all of the lines from the beginning to the end of the period shown i. Writing task 1 simon page 3 the line graph compares the percentage of people in three countries who used the internet between 1999 and 2009.

The bar chart and table give information about a countrys export earnings. This isnt really a tough graph but, to be honest, its annoying. Ielts line graph examples for academic task 1 ielts buddy. Dec 31, 2015 in this lesson you will learn how to describe a line graph in ielts academic writing task 1. Line graphs can be used to show how information or data change over time. Maximise your score by making good use of reference links such as the formerlatter and respectively. For example, if a diagram shows 5 countries, then these 5 countries are the key features. Vocabulary in this task, you are required to describe what you see in words. For example, you may be required to write a letter to an imaginary person such as a friend or a teacher, or it may be formal letter to a stranger or an official. Ielts bar and line graph task 1 this is an example of an ielts bar and line graph together. Ielts writing samples and model answers ielts university. The total time allowed for the ielts academic writing test is 60 minutes. Ielts line graphs show change over a period of time and you must vary your language and vocabulary when you write your report.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. How to write a line graph for ielts writing task 1 ielts liz. Sample ielts writing task 1 line chart ielts share. You will see the answer structure, tips, vocabulary. This is the first section of your ielts academic writing test. There is a ton of data and it is really repetitive to just list all of it. The chart below shows how much money is spent in the budget on different sectors by the uae. The ielts academic exam writing task 1 consists of 6 types of charts such as process diagrams, maps, bar charts, pie charts, tables or line graphs. Grammar and vocabulary combined account for 50% of your score in ielts writing task 1. Think about the 9sentence structure for the question above. It can look a bit scary at first, but when you look more closely, youll see it is probably no more difficult than having one graph. Line graphs can be used when you are plotting data that have peaks and troughs. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. Line chart introduction and overview in todays post im going to write an introduction and overview for last weeks line chart question.

Use this sample writing as a template for structure, key features and language for any ielts line graph. It is basically an informationtransfer task which relates narrowly to the factual content of the input data or diagram and. The model answer below is for ielts writing task 1 academic paper. This model line graph for ielts is estimated at band score 9. Overall, uk and sweden were two nations which experienced a downward trend in production of co2 while there was a rise in the amount of co2 emitted by people from portugal and italy. The graph below shows the consumption of 3 spreads from 1981 to 2007. There should be no interpretation or analysis, just a factual description. Task 1 the graphs above give information about computer ownership as a percentage of the population between 2002 and 2010, and by level of education for the years 2002 and 2010. Cambridge ielts 5 test 5 task 1 submitted by ngangiang on sat, 02042017 11.

The ielts academic writing task 1 requires you to write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph bar, line or pie graph, table, chart, or. Academic writing task 1 is a writing task which has a defined input and a largely predictable output. Last week i recommended that you aim to write 9 sentences for your task 1 report. Overall, a much larger percentage of canadians and. In your ielts academic writing task 1 response, you must present the key features and use data to support your description. Ielts writing task 1, bar charts, pie charts, diagrams, maps. Ielts general training task 1 planning your writing. This visual information is most commonly presented as line and bar graphs, pie charts or tables. Ielts bar and line graph task 1 answer ielts practice and.

In this lesson you will learn how to describe a line graph in ielts academic writing task 1. The line graph demonstrates the changes in the emissions of co2 missing words in four european countries from 1967 to 2007. Ielts line graph examples view sample graphs to help you prepare for the ielts test. There are also some tips given below to guide you and help you understand how to describe this type of graph. Ensure that each paragraph has the examples that are percentage or the numbers to support the sentence written as an explanation. This line graph comes from cambridge ielts 11 academic. Sample candidate writing scripts and examiner comments. There are examples of all the different types of task which include line graphs, pie charts, tables, processes, diagrams and maps. You will need to write a report about one of these, but remember it is very different to writing task 2, it is not an essay it is a factual report. The session can be used for ielts preparation or for more general academic writing skills. Sample candidate writing scripts and examiner comments both the academic and general training writing modules consist of two tasks, task 1 and task 2.

Ielts writing task 1 line graph ielts materials and. Then, for academic ielts students, youll be able to go through 4 different types of writing task 1 academic tasks. It is clear that the proportion of the population who used the internet increased in each country over the period shown. Ielts task 1 writing band descriptors public version. Line graphs to get a selection of sample line graphs to practice writing for your writing task 1 preparation. Writing task 1 to write a report 20 mins, at least 150 words. Ielts is an international standardized test of english language proficiency for study, scholarships, migration, and work where english is the language of communication. This is an ielts writing task 1 sample answer based on a bar chart showing the consumption and production of electricity from the cambridge ielts book real past tests. Ielts bar and line graph this is an example of an ielts bar and line graph together. It is jointly managed by the british council, and idp since 1989. On the following pages there are lessons to teach you how to write an academic ielts writing task 1.

Oct 10, 2019 crack the ielts exam by nikunj is one of the best ielts books. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Cambridge 11 test 3 writing task 1 ielts aid practice essays. The ielts writing task 1 academic requires you to write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph, line graph or pie graph, table, bar charts, diagram, or process how something works, how something is done. The key features are the features that stand out the most in the diagram. Dec 04, 2017 this video is about ielts writing task 1. Line graphs can be used when you are plotting data that have peaks ups and troughs downs. In general task 1 of the writing module, a prompt poses a problem or describes a situation that requires a written response in letter format. The chart below shows the different levels of postschool qualifications in australia and.

Jun, 2012 a line graph question in ielts writing task 1 will typically ask you to compare the performance of several different things over time, in this case renewable energy sources. It is not uncommon to get two graphs to describe at the same time in the ielts test. If you have recently taken academic ielts test, you can share your writing task 1 question in this section. There are sample answer and explanation for ielts writing line graph with band 9 answer structure. Try to write 4 paragraphs introduction, summary of main points, 2 detail paragraphs. Here in this video, i have provided all important tips.

The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two. Model answer for ielts academic line graph writing task 1. Nov 20, 2018 essential vocabulary to describe an ielts writing task 1 line graph. Presentation includes vocabulary, set phrases, verbs, and instructions to write a str slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. A line graph also known as line chart is a graphical presentation of data that changes over time. Ielts writing task 1 academic and general topics, samples. Ielts writing skills task 1 describing a line graph. Start studying ielts writing skills task 1 describing a line graph. Ielts general writing task 1 ielts general training task 1 planning your writing an activity which helps students plan their writing for ielts general task 1 and use a process which helps them maximise their marks in each criteria. In this lesson, we will look at a model answer for co2 emissions for 4 european countries and an analysis. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown.

Ielts academic writing task 1 how to describe a graph. A student asked me to look at the following task, which comes from cambridge ielts book 6 test 2. In my experience, this is the best way to boost your score in these sections of the exam. For more information and help with your ielts test visit. A closer look at the data highlights the fact that among the 4 nations, the uk has the highest rate in carbon dioxide emissions per person in 40 years. Therefore, you must find out what your common grammar and vocabulary mistakes are and then fix them. Make sure you understand what the axis on the graphs or the percentages in the pie charts represent. In next weeks post, well look at how to divide the body paragraphs.

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